“Put your trust in The Light that you may become sons and daughters of Light
Dear Family and Friends of Eastview
The commencement of the Covid vaccination program makes us all feel hopeful. Nevertheless, the same caution applies with regard to those protocols that avoid infection. Although our death rate has declined considerably, this is not true for many other parts of the world. For example, the American death rate, is that of combined American casualties World War 1 and World War 2. Please continue to be careful and protect yourself. Don’t listen to narratives that endanger you.
Attached is a program of services at Eastview for the months of March and April 2021. Although services in the Chapel are limited to 50, I want to emphasise that there is nothing stopping us from having two services on a Sunday morning if necessary. This is not a burden to me, but pure privilege!
We are in the season of Lent and one of the customs for Christian observance is to give up something spoils our Spirituality. Our Superintendent Minister, Rev Smanga Bosman passed on an article, its entitled “Things to let go of in Lent” by Rev. Magrey de Vega – Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist Church. I found it thought provoking, and I attach a copy for your Lenten devotions. I would just add this:- if you are going to use it, then look up and read the scripture references that appear at the end of each paragraph.
Counselling by telephone or face to face continues and also remember that all counselling is totally confidential and sacrosanct.
Ministry to the frail continues. They are visited at home and receive communion.
I close with a Blessing on your home and your loved ones and commend to you this prayer written by Robert Louis Stevenson:-
Help us, O God, to look back on the long way you have brought us, on the long days in which we have been served, not according to our deserts, but our desires; on the pit and the miry clay, the blackness of despair, the horror of misconduct, from which our feet have been plucked out.
For our sins forgiven or prevented, for our shame unpublished, we bless and thank you, O God. Help us yet again and ever.
So order events, so strengthen our frailty, as that day by day we shall come before you with this song of gratitude, and in the end be dismissed with honor. In their weakness and in their fear, the vessels of your handiwork so pray to you, so praise to you. Amen.
The Lord Bless and keep you dear family.