To all our Members and Friends of Eastview Methodist Church.
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.
Attached is a copy of the Sunday Services Plan up to the end of September.  We had a slight delay in reactivating the Church Microsoft package hence the delay in sending this to you.
Our services are gradually moving back to normal attendance, although winter temperatures affect quite a few folk.
For your daily devotions, the Upper Room devotional booklet continues to be available.  In addition to this we have arranged to make available the Faith for Daily Living booklet.  The Upper Room material is enjoyed by folk who appreciate the testimonies and spiritual experiences of other Christians. The Faith for Daily Living material has more Scripture teaching content.  Apart from these devotional aids, I encourage you not to neglect your daily reading of the actual Scriptures.  Remember to read slowly and to pause wherever a message through the Word speaks to you.  Take time to absorb and learn your Scriptures.  One of the best ways of doing this is to share what you learn with someone else.  Sharing the Word with each other creates relationship bonds and feeds the spirituality of the Body of Jesus.
Please remember to continue to pray for those that have special needs.  Thank you to our Intercessory Prayer team who faithfully and diligently pray every day for those who have given us their prayer requests.  If you have such a need for yourself or someone else, then please contact Lesley on 082 776 5564.
Please make a special note in your diary for the first Sunday in September.  We would like to have a special congregational tea after the service to welcome folk who have joined us this year.  Fellowship and loving care mean a great deal to us all.
Details of our school project for the Eastview property has been sent to you under separate cover. It is an appeal that we commend to your prayers.  It is exciting and a very meaningful development for the Eastview congregation.
God bless you all!